
Euclid Tsakalotos Named Greek Finance Minister

Meet Greece's New Finance Minister, Euclid Tsakalotos

2017 Capital Link Invest in Greece Forum - Euclid Tsakalotos Interview

Greek FinMin Euclid Tsakalotos on Greek Debt at The 2017 Economist Conference in Frankfurt

Orestis Tsakalotos on the financial markets in a changing world: a global viewpoint

#ThisIsACoup - Testimonies: Euclid Tsakalotos

DEF VI - Fireside Chat: Euclid Tsakalotos and Aris Ravanos

Europe Calling: Greek perspectives on reforms and austerity - with Finance Minister Tsakalotos

Euclid Tsakalatos: 'very nasty politics' follow if Euro breaks up

Greek finance minister: Reforms will be ready to unlock fresh EU funds | Squawk Box Europe

Economic Blues: the left in government times

Greece's new finance minister: Euclid Tsakalotos | World | News7 Tamil

Griechenlandkrise: Antrittsrede des neuen griechischen Finanzministers Tsakalotos am 06.07.2015

Will the ECB Throw a Liquidity Lifeline to the Greeks?

Tsakalotos bleibt: Tsipras bildet Kabinett leicht um

Kouloglou Tsakalotos SGIs 6 12 2016

#Greece: Euclid Tsakalotos sums up outcome of Eurogroup meeting

Syriza: 'We've Been Reasonable' | CNBC International

Tsakalotos Tax Flaws Urtasun 21 2 2018

Parlamentsdebatte: Diskussion zwischen Meimarakis und Tsakalotos am 14.08.2015

¿Por qué eligieron a Tsakalotos como ministro de finazas?

Griechenland-Krise: Reden von Alexis Tsipras und Euklides Tsakalotos im Parlament am 10.07.2015

Greece: We're the 'antelope at the bottom'...