
Time Tinkerer vs Infinite Toki

What Worse things that await to those who deal with evil

Everytime Starscream does something behind Megatrons back.

Timetinker has a question to ask transformers fans?

Armada Megatron is not playing around.

Transformers figures realizing they will stay on a box for the rest of thier life.

I Regret Not Knowing These 16 Story Beginnings Sooner

Trying to Negotiate some sense to Evil.

Play Pack | Time Tinkerer!

Springers final stand

Megatron Vs Blue Guardian !

Hun-Gurr's War Cry! #music #transformers funny

His name is...!

When you mess with the Big guy.

Crazy Size comparison of the dinobots!

Will I get $15,000 ?

Mirage trys to fight Skyquake

Master criminal

Springer had Enuf of swords.

When you leave your Collection for the day. #funny

Scourage transport thingy. #Scorage

Optimus Prime had enuf ! #transformersanimation #transformers #optimusprime #megatron

Gears has committed some War crimes. #funny

Shockwaves experiments never survive...