
24 Hours on a Train: Exploring the 4th Dimension

Equation of a Hypersphere

What a 2D creature sees

Why aren’t quantum computers everywhere, Mr. Feynman?

Finding X: A Mathematical Short Film

How scientists hunt for the 4th dimension

5D cube

White Holes Explained Bob Ross Style

This is what the world's oldest homework looks like

Can we move in the 4th dimension?

Do we see in 2D?

A simple paper worth a trillion dollars

Biology's most controversial photograph

Rainbows explained Bob Ross style 🎨

This is how time travel is illustrated in physics textbooks

Another 4D optical illusion

A Mathematician's Lament

Vertically unchallenged

Hidden Math in Alice in Wonderland

Candlelight Study With Me 🕯 No talking, Classical Music

ASMR Solving math exam questions with an overhead projector

A simple yet impossible test

Bad day to be a star

To simulate nature we need quantum computers