
testRigor Empowers Manual QA to Create Robust Functional Automated Tests

How to create a UI automated test with testRigor

Does testRigor support BDD

testRigor | SignUp | Demo for End to End Test Case

How is testRigor different from Selenium?

How IDT was able to achieve 90% automation in under a year with testRigor

Test stability

We are using UFT/Ranorex/TestComplete, how different is testRigor?

AI Automation Tools For Testers

Tips and Tricks - When Should You Use Loops And How to Use Loops in testRigor

Very short demo of how to allow Generative AI to build your test for you

Can testRigor run my manual test case

How to test a sign-up flow with email

#NewFeature: Execute the recorded steps on testRigor right there from TestCase Studio.

Does testRigor have integration with Jira?

How to execute your Jira tasks/stories as automated tests

Automate with Testrigor | Automation Tool | Software Testing | Automation Testing

Part 5 - Reusable Rules of testRigor to reuse test steps across scenarios (AI Powered automation)

testRigor Codeless Test Automation - Testing Facebook Sign Up Form

What size company is testRigor suited best for?

How to use Test data in testrigor | Intelligent Automation | Testrigor

testRigor vs Selenium Setup

testRigor eMail Validation with Ease (5 Minutes)

How to Automate Ecommerce website using Testrigor | E-Commerce Site Automation | Testrigor