
Remove K digits | Build lowest number | Leetcode #402

Substring with Concatenation of All Words | Leetcode #30

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🔴How to optimize a solution which you don't know | Interview Hacks

Dijkstra algorithm | Single source shortest path algorithm

KMP algorithm | Pattern search algorithm | string search algorithm

Smallest Subarrays With Maximum Bitwise OR | Leetcode 2411

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Floyd Warshall algorithm | All pairs shortest path

🔴Best resource for interview preparation | Avoid these mistakes

Closest Prime Numbers in Range | Leetcode #2523

Roadmap to Success: Webinar with Techdose

Array data structure

Container with most water | Leetcode #11

Quick Sort

Concepts of Heap | Understanding heap

Essential skills apart from DSA to land your dream job! #shorts #techdose #dsa #systemdesign

TechDose DSA course review | Surya Pratap Kahar | DSA with Java tutorial crash course

Depth first search | DFS | Depth first traversal

Breadth first search | BFS | Breadth first traversal

Rolling hash | Rabin karp algorithm | Pattern searching

Kosaraju Algorithm | Strongly connected components in a graph

Kth Smallest element in a matrix | Leetcode #378