
Luna Noua in Capricorn - Forțați de împrejurări încât să facem altfel lucrurile, spre binele nostru

Mesajul săptămânii 30 decembrie 2024 - 5 ianuarie 2025

Sagetator - Are loc schimbarea de perspectivă și aveți parte de rezultatele mult așteptate[CC]

Sagittarius - The change of perspective takes place and you get the long-awaited results

Virgo - You are ready for a new life that reflects your principles/values

Scorpio - You have learned a lot from the experience and now you can act to overcome the obstacles

Libra - The end of something that no longer represents you to create your life on your principles

Leo - You are supported to successfully overcome the ordeal you have gone through

Libra - On the path towards truly sustainable partnerships. New harmonious and loving relationships

Gemini - The time for your reconnection has come

Virgo - It is very important to take a break, to remobilize. Have confidence

Taurus - You put yourself on a different path, of new beginnings, of joy, of fulfillment, of love

Cancer - You are determined to embark on a new path that will bring you much satisfaction

Taurus - Masks are falling and you step confidently towards new horizons, listening to your guidance

Aquarius - Everything that was unfair got you stuck. Change your perspective, redefine yourself

Balanta - Finalul a ceva care nu vă mai reprezintă pentru a vă crea viața pe principiile voastre[CC]

Leo - The truth comes out and you decide to start in new directions

Leu - Sunteți susținuți pentru a depăși cu brio încercarea prin care ați trecut[CC]

Virgo - You begin to see the fruits of your labor, to attract the perfect partnerships

Cancer - The click happens and you get out of the indecision by setting off on a new path

Aquarius - You are extremely determined to reconfigure your path. You won't regret it

Pisces - Karmic cleansings are taking place, keep going because you will emerge victorious

Capricorn - Se eliberează drumul și puteți să vă îndreptați către succesul binemeritat[CC]

Cancer - Extremely important turning point through the awareness it brings