
How to limit speed for other websites user in Mikrotik

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Cara membuat ip address tertentu yang dapat akses mikrotik

MikroTik Router | configure VPN [part1]

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Mikrotik router bandwidth management Simple Queues PCQ Total Queues Bangla Tutorial Free

MikroTik Router | block file extensions

Block IP Address Login to MikroTik Router

Mikrotik router bandwidth management Priority base using Parent with Child queues | Part-11

MikroTik Router | block websites facebook and youtube [part2]

MikroTik Router | configure VPN [part2]

Block any website on Mikrotik Router Firewall Configuration | Block websites using Layer 7 Protocol

MikroTik Router | Configure SNMP service

MikroTik Router | IP Camera port forwarding

Block Speed Test on MikroTik Like & & Others

Proxy - Setup MikroTik Web Proxy, Block unwanted Site, Secure and Children Friendly Network

MikroTik Router | block websites facebook and youtube [part1]

MikroTik Router | block all ip addresses login to MikroTik Router

MikroTik Router | Configure Hotspot

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MikroTik Router | manage speed | limit bandwidth [part1]

MikroTik Router | block ip address login to MikroTik Router

Install MikroTik RouterOS v5.18 on vmware [part1]

How to Setup User Name Password in MikroTik . how to set user password in mikrotik