
Emerald's Gym Leaders are Worse Than You Remember

Pseudo Legendaries Kind of Suck, Actually

11 Obscure Facts in Gen 1 Pokémon

Fixing Gen 2 Movepools

I Simulated 1,083,021 Battles to Find The Best Gen 1 Pokémon

Champion Geeta is Awful

What if the Johto Starters had a SECOND Type?

What is the Best Pokémon in EVERY Game?

Pokémon Emerald is Worse Than You Remember

Fixing the Gym Leaders of Gen 1 Pokémon!

27 Rare Pokémon You Will Never Own

Gen 1 Pokémon’s Rival Problem

Top 10 Strongest Pokémon in Gen 3!

Gen 1 Pokémon were HILARIOUSLY Bad

Gen 1 Pokémon Moves are Terrible, So I Fixed Them!

My Crystal Romhack just Got a HUGE Update

Playing the Yellow Romhack! (it's almost done)

SHADOWS OF EVIL: Treyarch's Mona Lisa (Zombies Retrospective)

I Made the PERFECT Pokémon Yellow Romhack!

I Simulated 1,950,480 Battles To Find The Strongest Pokémon Team

Fixing Gen 2's Gym Leaders

17 Obscure Secrets in Gen 2 Pokémon!

Fixing Gen 2 Pokémon Moves

14 Obscure Secrets in Gen 1 Pokémon!