

New Intro Video for Selftuts

What is git stash

Local repository and Remote repository in GIT | What is git repository

Install Kafka CLI tool | Kafka

Data pipeline using Kafka - Elasticsearch - Logstash - Kibana | ELK Stack | Kafka

What is Vertical Scaling | System Design

Redis Master Slave Replication using Docker Compose | Redis

Install Prometheus MySQL exporter using Docker Compose | Prometheus

Install Redis using docker and docker compose | Redis Insight docker installation

Prometheus and Grafana installation using Docker Compose

MySQL monitoring using Prometheus and Grafana | MySQL Exporter

Install Postgres Using Docker Compose | Docker | Postgres

Install Docker Compose on Linux | Docker

Kafka Consumer Lag | Kafka

Find sum of elements in an array in Java | Basic Array Algorithm

Host your own docker registry | Local Docker Registry | Docker Registry using Docker Compose

Java Protocol Buffer Using Gradle

MySQL installation using docker compose | MySQL | Docker | Docker Compose | Installation

What is JSON Web Token | JWT

Docker To Integrate Kafka + Logstash + Elasticsearch + Kibana | ELK Stack | Kafka

REST API Rate Limiter in NodeJS using Redis and ExpressJs | REST API Rate Limiter | Redis

Drop Database column in Production

Background job processing using Python, FastAPI and Redis Queue | Python | Message Queue