
See all the foxes at SAF South get chicken!

A tour of SAVEAFOX

Wild Black bear comes to greet me. Gets annoyed I have no food.

A day in the life of SAVEAFOX Rescue: Episode three

Meet our new Fur Farm rescue! Big Red Jr!

We got HACKED! How to fix your stolen YouTube account.

Kitty grooming baby grey fox

Have you been missing DixieDo too?

Finnegan Fox's reaction after not seeing me for days

So many foxes at my window!

Education on the misconceptions of wild Black Bears

Pet foxes get Popsicles

The Foxes Love Me.....Finnegan and Dixie.

Finnegan fox yells at me, and wants to fight!

Finnegan Fox breaks in the house

The foxes that say HEHEHE

Silly drama queen Sophie Screams

Watch how small of a space a Mink can squeeze through!

Stella fox gets adopted!

DixieDo goes AAHHH

Dixiedo fox runs away with my phone. Tries to bury it.

Finnegan gets very jealous when I pet Dixie

Vixie, Finny, Mutty, Dixie in leaves

Finnegan Fox and his fox pup