
Resolut1on explains why Team Secret is so special to him - Winners Interview at TI11 Dota 2

Resolut1on Morph Unbelievable Comeback - MVP DC TI6 Dota 2

Dota 2 Resolut1on Amazing Backdoor - DC vs MVP - TI6

Resolut1on with the backdoor plays! @ The International 2016


Puppey & Resolut1on - Heartwarming Interview - Their Journey in The International 2022 (English)

Resolut1on recounts the crazy year he is having with Team Secret

Resolut1on left Empire and joined Digital Chaos Dota 2 !!!

Допинг контроль на турнирах #shorts #resolut1on

Resolut1on Luna Rampage #WESG

Про стабильность No[o]ne #shorts #resolut1on

New OG Mid Player Resolut1on - 10 Games Winstreak - Practice for TI8 Dota 2

Что нужно 6к игроку? #shorts #resolut1on

Арсен Маркарян и Роман Resolut1on

OG.Resolut1on Alchemist Gameplay - World Electronic Sports Games 2017 Europe Qualifier.

Резоль вспомнил yoky- #shorts #resolut1on

Dota 2 - Resolut1on vs. Dendi | Tinker Gameplay

Какого было выйти на сцену впервые на The International? #shorts #resolut1on

OG.Resolut1on --VS-- Xcalibur, 7Mad- - Ranked Match - OG Dota 2.

OG.Resolut1on -VS- JerAx - Ranked Match - OG Dota 2.

Развитие силы воли #shorts #resolut1on

Обучение в киберспорте #shorts #resolut1on

OG.Resolut1on --VS-- zai - Ranked Match - OG Dota 2.

LEGENDARY Rampage by Empire.Resolut1on vs. ASUS.Polar Dota 2