
Why Randonneuring? | Randonneurs USA

Become a Randonneur. The Five Steps you need!

RANDONNEURING BASICS - Ride Along! - What to Expect: Packing, Dressing, Eating and Riding!

Why Randonneuring? | Accessible Nature | Randonneurs USA

Buying a bike for Randonneuring- The Basics

A PA Randonneurs 200k Brevet: Covered Bridges

What the heck is Randonneuring? Prepping for and riding the Athens 300k

WORLD’S BEST ROAD CYCLING! - SW Wisconsin - Driftless Randonneurs 125k & 150k Weekend!

600 km Brevet Under 24 Hours: Becoming a Super Randonneur for Paris-Brest-Paris Qualification

Randonneuring - Heading to the French coast (400km)

Chasing Super Randonneur: Cycling Herentals' Audax 400 km Brevet for Paris-Brest-Paris Qualification

600km Brevet Plan and Ride | Super Randonneur 2023

Randonneuring: Common Challenges, and Tips and Tricks to Overcoming Them

Introduction to Randonneur Riding

Road Bike NOT A Road Racing Bike - SOMA Grand Randonneur

Randonneur Essentials Don't Fear The Gears || Choosing Gears for Randonneuring

ALL DAY ON A BIKE! Spring Green 200k with The Driftless Randonneurs

My First Brevet: Long Distance Cycling Event 200kmI Randonneur IHow it worksI Paris–Brest–Paris(PBP)

How Randonneurs Ontario is Reducing Barriers in the Ultra-Distance Cycling Community

Onboard Paris Brest Paris 1200 km - Cycling Documentary

200k Winter Brevet - Minnesota Randonneurs - Northern Pancake

What is the difference between a touring bicycle and a Randonneur bicycle

Why Randonneuring? Feeling connected to others is rando #randonneuring #cycling #longdistance

Randonneurs Should Ride Fast Bikes