
PyConSE keynote by Emily Bache

IPython: How a notebook is changing science - PyCon SE 2015

PyConSE 2017 Opening by chairperson Jyrki Pulliainen

Deep Learning and Deep Data Science - PyCon SE 2015

Ship Python Apps with Docker! - PyCon SE 2015

Python for Humans - PyCon SE 2015

Data Processing & Machine Learning with Python - PyCon SE 2015

Analyzing data with Pandas - PyCon SE 2015

Hacking Human Language - PyCon SE 2015

Why Django Sucks - PyCon SE 2015

Docker and Python at Spotify - PyCon SE 2015

Test Driven Development with Python and Django - PyCon SE 2015

Bulding an interpreter in RPython - PyCon SE 2015

Keynote - Kate Heddleston - The Ethics of Being a Programmer - PyCon SE 2015

Puppet and Python - PyCon SE 2015

PyCon SE 2017 Lightning talks

From Explicitness to convention: A Journey from Django to Rails - PyCon SE 2015

GitFs: Building a file system in Python - PyCon SE 2015

Keynote - Ian Ozswald - Data Science Deployed - PyCon SE 2015

How Python drives the analysis of billions of DNA sequences - PyCon SE 2015

Lightning talks - First Day - PyCon SE 2015

Exax @ PyCon SE 2020 - Compare NYC Taxi March 2020 to March 2019

How to build a Python web application with Flask and Neo4j - PyCon SE 2015

analyzing data with pandas pycon se 2015