
FORKS? POOLS? ASYNC? Solving Wordle with Python’s concurrency tools

Beat the rush! Designing effective load tests for your web application

'Our Dependency on Open Source Dependencies' - amanda casari (PyCon AU 2023)

'Gender Tapestry - New ways of looking at gender classification' - J. Rosenbaum (PyCon AU 2023)

OpenDataCube - Petabyte Scale Satellite Imagery Processing in Python

'Look Backwards to Go Forwards: It's Retro Time' - Peter Hall (PyCon AU 2023)

A simple way to validate and monitor the performance of your ML Applications.

Refactoring for fun and profit - Evan Kohilas (PyCon AU 2023)

'Learning to Sketch with Differentiable Rendering' - Felipe Tavares (PyCon AU 2023)

'HttpRequest: An unsung hero of Django' - Curtis Maloney (PyCon AU 2023)

'Zero or Hero? - Assessing Pygame Zero in the classroom' - Amanda J Hogan (PyCon AU 2023)

'In the Long Run We're All Dead: An Economist's Guide to Tech Debt' - Dana Scheider (PyCon AU 2023)

'The Terrifying Longevity of Ideas' - Benno Rice (PyCon AU 2023)

Real-time Map Imagery Manipulation with Python, Slippy Maps, Flask, and Pillow: Building Interactive

'The Python 3D Visualisation Landscape' - Owen Lamont (PyCon AU 2023)

Digital Rights / Digital Wrongs: Tech Policy and Human Rights in Australia

Developing Culture To Write Reliable And Performant Services At Scale

Roll for Initiative: how to make the world of AI a more ethical place

'Analysing and sharing genetic data with Python' - David Lawrence (PyCon AU 2023)

'N+1 Problem in Django Rest Framework' - Syed Muhammad Dawoud Sheraz Ali (PyCon AU 2023)

Unpacking the geospatial engineering toolbox – an overview of data science techniques for spatial da

Building health software on decentralised health data using Personal Online Datastores

'Wrapping up the Cruft - Making Wrappers to Hide Complexity' - Jack Reichelt (PyCon AU 2023)

'Swiss Army Django: Small Footprint ETL' - Noah Kantrowitz (PyCon AU 2023)