
Presheaves and Sheaves

Main Examples of Presheaf Categories

Presheaves & Sheaves

Sheaves/Presheaves as Contravariant Functors, Kernel Presheaf is a Sheaf

Presheaves and Sheaves in Category Theory | Wrap it Up!

Why presheaves? (Episode #1) Diagrams, actions, and representability

Category of Presheaves

Rick Jardine: Fuzzy sets, presheaves, and topological data analysis

Why presheaves? (Episode #2) Products as representing objects

Who Gives a Sheaf? Part 1: A First Example

Presheaves and Sheaves (Idea & Basic Definitions)

Presheaves on Categories with One Object

Presheaves on Categories with Three Objects

Jens Hemelaer - Toposes of presheaves on monoids as generalized topological spaces

How to Pronounce Presheaves

The Subobject Classifier in Categories of Presheaves

Petty Presheaves

Presheaves on Categories with Two Objects

Morphism of Presheaves/Sheaves

Exponentials in Categories of Presheaves

Lecture 08.5: Examples of the Categories of Presheaves

Pointwise Continuous Presheaves

Examples of the Subobject Classifier in Categories of Presheaves

Sheaves 3 (Morphisms of Presheaves)