
Padauk PFS154 (2MHz) + 25Q16 DataFlash (PDF 2.7V minimum vcc), still working at 1.35V

Padauk IR remote

Padauk PMS150C + DataFlash Audio Player

F1C100s SOC experiments - 4.1 (DOOM, fullscreen, software scaling)

DIY-A586, gamepad support and speed improvements

I2C to IPS

5B5-Lite Logitech keyboard test

Padauk PFS154 Tests

Nyquest NY8A051H programming test.

Magiczne pokrętło, odbiornik

I2C to TFT

DIY-A586, ZX Spectrum 128k

JDY-40 (BK2461) custom firmware - blinking led test

DIY-A586, Amiga SD boot

F1C100s SOC experiments - 3 (sound test)

VGA VT100 mini terminal.

DIY-A586 (FPGA Amiga with real floppy support)

Z80 computer

STM32F030 WS2812B driver

F1C100s SOC experiments - 1 (VGA test)

Padauk PMS150C LED driver

Miernik częstotliwości i wypełnienia.

Magiczne pokrętło, odbiornik nrf24lu1+

DIY-A586, A500 keyboard