
1) Translatory motion of a rigid body #rotationalmotion #jeeadvancedphysics

13) Block on block friction problem with a lower block on a rough surface| Physics JEE Advanced

12) Block on block friction problem with a lower block on a rough surface | Physics JEE Advanced

#jeeadvancedphysics 13) induced emf due to rotation of loop in a magnetic field

| ROLLING MOTION 2) Angular momentum of a body in combined rotation and translation|problem

ROLLING MOTION 3) Angular momentum of a body in combined rotation and translation/ problem

#jeeadvancedphysics 31) self inductance per unit length of coaxial cable #inductance

17) Pulley Physics class 11 : contact force between pulley and string | jee advanced

JEE Advanced Physics | JEE Main physics | full course | problems | @PhysicsNumericalsJEEAdv

8) Angular momentum vector is not parallel to angular velocity vector for rotating plate

8) A uniform cylinder of mass M lies in a fixed plane inclined at angle θ with horizontal. A light

28)Prism | Three right angled prisms are glued as shown in the figure. An incident ray passes

11) Block on block friction problem with lower block on rough surface | Physics JEE Advanced

#jeeadvancedphysics 6) Numericals on LC oscillations with mutual inductance #lcoscillations

5) Moment of Inertia of disc #rotational motion JEE Advanced Physics

4)Angular momentum of sliding block on an inclined plane | Rotational Dynamics |JEE Advanced Physics

12) pulley constraint| The system consists of four mases ,two movable pulleys & one fixed pulley,

1)Physics | Electrostatics JEE Adv ||Charge, properties of charge, conduction, friction, induction

20) PATHFINDER SERIES pulley with two masses in accelerating lift physics JEE Advanced

43) Wave Motion Physics | Instantaneous power of a transverse wave on a string | JEE Advanced

3) Physics | Projectile Motion | Wind imparts horizontal acceleration on a particle

30) Prism| find µ of prism from , Deviation versus angle of incidence graph,

11) moment of inertia of triangular plate about a side #rotationalmotion JEE Advanced Physics

motion class 9 numerical ||motion class 9||motion class 9 ncert||motion class 9 full chapter