
Phil Kallberg, is there evidence of God

The Moral and Ontological Arguments for God's Existence - Phil Kallberg

The Ontological Argument w/ Phil Kallberg

Phil Kallberg Contra Presuppositionalism: A Discussion Pt. 2

Creeping Death/The Prince of Egypt

A brief history of the Ontological Argument

The Virtues of the Ontological Argument

WCAT Radio I Thought You'd Like to Know with Pat Flynn interviewing Phil Kallberg concerning Argumen

Episode 58: Debating Inerrancy: Phil Kallberg vs David Van Bebber (January 10, 2020)

Persuasion According to Thomas Aquinas

Thomas Aquinas and Rene Descartes: How would Aquinas respond to Descartes methodolodical doubt

'Debate over whether or not there was (election) fraud should occur': Sen. Paul | ABC News

Using Inference to the Best Explanation on the Kavanaugh Hearings.

Divine Determinism Is Irrational & Unbiblical

Clay Jones Why does god allow evil?

The Failed War on Poverty: Why the Government Cannot and Should Not Address Poverty.

Episode 9: Michael Jones of Inspiring Philosophy Discusses the Problem of Hell (January 4, 2019)

Episode 1: The Examined Life (November 9, 2018)

Episode 8: Zach Young's Theological Approach to Existential Trauma (December 28, 2018)

Perfect Being Theology: The Maximal Greatness of God

Episode 14: Sarah Geis on why Sincerity isn't Good Enough (February 8, 2019)

Episode 7: Some Reasons to Trust the Christmas Story (December 21, 2018)

Episode 19: Andrew Ike Shepardson's 'Who's Afraid of the Unmoved Mover? Postmodernism and Natural Th

Episode 5: Is Social Media a Good Thing? (December 7, 2018)