
Free to use QR Code creator | philippb4 website

Doing your own project - philippb4 website | part 1

Doing your own project - philippb4 website | part 3

Doing your own project - philippb4 website | part 2

Python IDLE vs. PyCharm

Color Generator with Python

I created a google clone (website)

How to create a QR-Code

What is the (computing) cloud?

First steps with a raspberry pi

Erste Schritte im Machine Learning

1 - Programmieren mit Python

A brief introduction to databases

Surf the internet without ads

Deep Fakes

I coded a game of life style program - interview question

Das Collatz-Problem mit Python

Die beste Suchmaschine (eigene Meinung)

So erstellst du deinen eigenen Webserver

Was sind Programmiersprachen?

4 - Programmieren mit Python

A Brief Intro To Software Containers

Sichere Passwörter für jeden - Passwort Generator in Python

So schreibst du einen pig latin converter in Python