
05 13 2022 OWASP Bay Area and Pacific Hackers Joint Event CSA Presentation & DNS Hijacking

SDKs Behaving Badly

Co-hosted by the OWASP Bay Area and Vancouver chapters - Get your Security Dream Job

OWASP Meetup - South Bay Jan 2020 - Hosted by eBay

Anatomy of Recent Security Breaches

05 13 2022 OWASP Bay Area and Pacific Hackers Joint Event Batten Down the Hatches

OWASP WrongSecrets: how to NOT mange your secrets

Webinar: Java Serialization security issues

Protecting your web-application from Magecart

OWASP Bay Area Meetup Host Sponsored by JFrog - April 28

OWASP Meetup - South Bay Oct 2019 - Hosted by Microsoft

OWASP Meetup - SF November 2019 - Hosted by Okta

Practical Approach to Automate the Discovery and Eradication of Open-Source Software Vulnerabilities

Webinar: XML security – It's just data, how bad can it be?

05-13-2022 - OWASP Bay Area and Pacific Hackers Joint Event - OWASP Top 10

05-13-2022 - OWASP Bay Area and Pacific Hackers Joint Event - CSA Presentation & DNS Hijacking

05-13-2022 - OWASP Bay Area and Pacific Hackers Joint Event - Batten Down the Hatches!

Hacker Thursdays: Handson-event, OWASP Security Knowledge Framework

DNS man-on-the-side (MOTS) for fun and profit

Architecting API Security for Adopting Zero Trust Model

The Pulse of AppSec: 2019 Trends and Insights

Hacker Days: iOS Application Vulnerabilities and how to find them

Hacker Days: Kubernetes Security: From Control Plane to Layer 7

SQL Injection | Bypass Authenticaion | Realistic Mission 2 | Starbucks SQL Injection