
OHDSI 2020: Lessons In Converting Patient-Level Data to the OMOP CDM to Support the COVID-19 Crisis

OMOP CDM Workshop (March 2022)

Fill your OMOP repository with EHR data, no coding required | AWS Events

Tutorial1Part6 -Overview of the OMOP CDM

Clinical Research Data Pipeline Using FHIR & OMOP

Tech Tuesday: OMOP

OMOP Common Data Model

European Initiatives Using the OMOP CDM (Multiple Speakers, OHDSI Europe 23)

Calculating daily dose in the OMOP Common Data Model (Theresa Burkard)

OMOP on CQL on FHIR: The Intersection of Interoperability Standards and Digital Quality (Aug. 1)

FHIR & OMOP WG Purpose & 2023 Goals

1st Alliance Special Interest Group on the OMOP Common Data model. 27.06.2023

Tutorial2Part3-STARR-OMOP: A review

OMOP/FHIR: challenges of each model & how the collaboration can resolve those challenges (G. Grieve)

Standardizing Health Data with OMOP's Common Data Model | Informonster Podcast Ep. 24

FHIR & OMOP Workgroup 2024 OKRs

6 Adopting the OMOP Common Data Model to Enable Standardized Analytics

Bulgarian Diabetes Register - mapping onto OMOP CDM (CC#10)

OHDSI2022 Tutorial Session 2: OMOP Common Data Model./Vocabulary (Clair Blacketer/Melanie Philofsky)

OMOP CDM Session

Evidence Generation using the OMOP Common Data Model

Presentation: Transforming and evaluating the UK Biobank to the OMOP CDM for ... (Vaclav Papez)

Tutorial1Part5 -OHDSI OMOP

pyomop - python tool for OHDSI OMOP CDM ETL