
Jaroslaw Olech | 1st Place 860Kg Total 74Kg | IPF World Powerlifting Championship 2024

Jaroslaw Olech - 908kg 1st Place 74kg - IPF World Open Powerlifting Championship 2017

Jarosław Olech POL | 1st Place 860kg Total | 74kg Class | IPF Eq Worlds 2024

World Record Squat with 370.0 kg by Jaroslaw Olech POL in 74 kg class

Charles-Marie Widor, Suite for flute and piano - Joséphine Olech

Joséphine Olech & Sélim Mazari - Pièce en forme de Habanera - Ravel | Podium Witteman

World Masters 2 Record Squat equipped with 355 kg by Jaroslaw Olech POL in 74kg class

Król Trójboju! | Jarosław Olech

JAROSŁAW OLECH po raz 18-ty Mistrzem Świata w Trójboju Siłowym !

J.J. Quantz, Flute Concerto in G Major - Joséphine Olech

Joséphine Olech, 1st prize #Nielsen2019 - final performance

Marius Olech

Jaroslaw Olech Deadlift Warm-up

World Masters 2 Record Squat equipped with 355 kg by Jaroslaw Olech POL in 74kg class

Jaroslaw Olech Warm-up Deadlift

World M2 Record Deadlift equipped with 307.5 kg by Jaroslaw Olech POL in 74kg class

World M2 Record Deadlift equipped with 307.5 kg by Jaroslaw Olech POL in 74kg class

2023/6/13 Josephine Olech-Ferroud Three pieces for solo flute

Jaroslaw Olech vs Sergey Gaishinets, IPF Worlds 2015 @74kg, men

Jaroslaw Olech-1st Place-862.5Kg Total-74Kg Class-IPF Open Equipped World Championship 2023

'Syrinx' pour flûte seule de Claude DEBUSSY - Joséphine OLECH

Beata Chmielowska-Olech kusi obfitym biustem w bikini! Od wdzięków 49-latki trudno oderwać wzrok!

Jaroslaw Olech - 2nd Place 867.5kg Total - 74kg Class 2022 IPF World Open Championship

2023/6/13 Josephine Olech-Ian Maresz:Circumambulation for solo flute