nonprofit founder

The Truth About Nonprofits

Possible Roles of a Nonprofit Founder | Starting a Nonprofit

Nonprofit Founder and Writer | What I do & where I'm going | Khan Academy

Nonprofit Management 101: The 9 Skills You Need

Can Nonprofit Founders Take a Salary?

Top Advice from Nonprofit Founders | Starting a Nonprofit

What's the Profit in Nonprofits? | Areva Martin | TEDxCrenshaw

The Founder's Role in the Nonprofit They Create

Retiring founder of Portland nonprofit leaves behind 43-year-old legacy but looks to the future

Can You Vote Out a Nonprofit Founder?

Starting A Nonprofit: How to go from Founder to Full-Time (+ Big Announcement!!!)

Nonprofit Founder: Career Story (Ep.16)

The Nonprofit Founder Who Regenerates

Starting a Nonprofit: How to Pay Yourself

Starting a Nonprofit: New Nonprofit Founder’s Checklist

Should I pay myself as a nonprofit founder?

How to get paid as a nonprofit founder?

Can the founder of a nonprofit get paid?

Starting A Nonprofit: What does an Executive Director DO, exactly?

Nonprofit Founder Gets Emotional Surprise From First Scholarship Recipient

Compensation In Nonprofit Organizations

Episode #15: Nonprofit Organization Founder

Nonprofit founder accused of embezzling millions

Sole Member Nonprofit: BEST Way To Protect The Founder?