
Nastya found a boy doll and pretends to be a parent - Trailer

Nastya and a collection of funny stories about dad and Nastya's friends

Nastya and Dad found a secret room

Nastya and useful stories about good behavior from her life

Nastya and colored paints draw a magic toys

Like Nastya compilation of the best videos of 2022

Nastya and Evelyn in wonderland

Nastya and beauty salon. Collection of useful stories for children

Nastya and sleepover dance with Maggie

Nastya và dọn dẹp trong nhà

Nastya is preparing an outfit for school #blind challenge

A new episode of a children's entertainment show from Nastya and dad, and their friends

Nastya et papa routine matinale et défis de la journée - Série de vidéos pour enfants


Nastya and her Birthday Party 7 years old

Nastya turns into princesses while playing magic candy shop

Nastya shows that knowledge at school is the most important thing

Nastya and Daddy got into the unusual Adventure Park

Nastya y Stacy intercambian dulces por juguetes nueva seriedivertida para niños

Nastya and Salish Matter - Christmas dance

Nastya et papa jouent avec des jouets gonflables géants

Nastya goes to visit African children

Nastya et Stacy montrent le bon et le mauvais comportement des enfants

Nastya et papa jouent le défi des légumes au chocolat