
How NIHR funds research

Who are the NIHR? #WeAreNIHR

About NIHR Infrastructure

NIHR Doctoral Training Camp 2022 The art of selling your project

Making NIHR research accessible for everyone

What is the value of the NIHR to you and your organisation?

Transforming lives through research

NIHR Principal Investigator Pipeline Programme

NIHR Clinical Academic Careers: Deborah Moore's story

Non-Commercial Portfolio Application Service: A new way of applying for NIHR CRN support

Introducing the NIHR national Patient Recruitment Centres

NIHR Your Path in Research Campaign 2020

NIHR Clinical Research Network: What is research activity data?

NIHR Clinical Research Network Annual Stats 2023, Kate Jones message

Celebrating 30 years of the NIHR Health Technology Assessment (HTA) programme

Davina McCall speaks at NIHR Reproductive Health and Childbirth National Research Champions event

What is the NIHR Southampton Biomedical Research Centre?

Research planning with the NIHR

The NIHR Patient Recruitment Centres: Why work with us?

Introducing the NIHR Manchester Clinical Research Facility 2022-27

Why should you volunteer with the NIHR BioResource?

State-of-the-art NIHR Research Van helps deliver research in Greater Manchester communities

A bold vision realised: celebrating the NIHR Biomedical Research Centres set up by Dame Sally Davies

Learn about the NIHR Global Research Professorship