
SOUNDMIT 2021 - TODD BARTON - RETRO SIMPLEX - Live - #soundmitlive #modulisme #buchla #musiceasel

Using a 200e to sync the Buchla Music Easel to a simple drum track

#buchla #musiceasel + #somalaboratory #cosmos = Envelopes in Space

Buchla Music Easel + Chase Bliss Audio Habit

Krell patch on the Buchla Music Easel

faultlines w/ make noise shared system, buchla music easle, moogs

Modular Ambient Music Performance / Buchla Music Easel / OP-1 field | Chain 2024-06-03 by atnr

MIDIRAUSCH - Take You On A Ride - Verbos Techno Musiceasel

NIXXON tricks w/ make noise shared system, buchla music easle, moogs

Melodic jam on the Buchla Music Easel

Habits formed in Cosmos #buchla #chaseblissaudio #somalabs

Sendepause - Buchla Music Easle piece for Marz Community Brewing

Return to the Planet of the Capacitors. #buchla #musiceasel #259 #sourceofuncertainty #modularsynth

Slow Melodic Ambient Relaxing Buchla Music Easel live performance – relaxing synthesizer music

A quick #Easel workout #electronicmusic #synthesizer #music #buchla #musiceasel #onetakerecording

Ambient Music Performance with Buchla Music Easel Modern / OP-1 field / Stout 2024-05-28 by atnr

Todd Barton’s SVS Synched ARP Buchla Music Easel patch

Buchla industrial rhythms

Minimal Techno w/ Modular Synthesizer & Music Easel | Early Dusk 2024-12-21 by atnr

Buchla Music Easel Solo Performance / Etude I 2024-05-30 by atnr

Buchla Music Easel performance of 20th Century Electronic Music

Music Easel “Prepared Piano Like Patch”

#buchla #musiceasel + #chaseblissaudio habit + #somalabs #cosmos

“Homage Morton Feldman” patch for the Buchla Music Easel