
How microalgae can treat wastewater and turn it into a valuable resource

Sustainable microalgae products for agri- & aquaculture – listen to the expert Alexandre Rodrigues

What do you really know about microalgae?

Culturing Microalgae in Photobioreactor

BarAlgae - An introduction to microalgae

Using microalgae to develop sustainable solutions | 27 Feb 2023 | Prof Alison Smith

How to produce fuel from algae

Using microalgae to purify the air

Microalgae is packed with nutrients and flavor

Extraction of bioactive compounds from microalgae

Replacing Fossil Fuels with Microalgae | Checkerspot

Microalgae for the Foods and Feeds of the Future - Day 1

Modern Spirulina Cultivation Technology - Cultivation and Harvesting of Microalgae in Greenhouses

Discovering microalgae: an efficient approach to carbon sequestration

Microalgae laboratory

Will consumers be won over by microalgae meals?

Could microalgae transform our food and cosmetics industries?

Microalgae – Proteins of the Future (ProFuture Project)

Alternative proteins from microalgae

Microalgae: sustainable food source of the future?

Microalgae for the future

NTU scientists use microalgae to produce alternative to palm oil

PhycoTerra Microalgae - Healthier Soils For Better Yields

MAScIR - Development of plant biostimulants by using microalgae