mharz drawing

How to improve your drawing for absolutely free

This took 21 hours... 😆 #art #sketch

How big should you draw the hands?

Why your drawings look 'flat?'

How to draw skinny fat body type

How to draw the eyes

Tips for drawing fingers

How to draw a female body in under a minute

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How to Draw a Character Step 1

If you're struggling to draw an object in perspective... #artreference #arttips

This also makes a difference in drawing different body builds...

Number 1 drawing mistake beginners are doing.

Drawing Male torso vs. Female torso

Use simple shapes to draw different body types

Do this if you want to draw more diverse body types

How I sketch my illustrations.

Don't use circles in drawing hands.

How to draw a character Step 2

Did you know this about our hands? (drawing tips)

Do this if you want to finish a drawing FAST!

How I draw knuckles to hands

Drawing the female body: It's all about the curves

Why the 8 heads proportion is NOT HELPFUL in drawing