
Metpy Simple Calculations

MetPy Mondays #293 - How to get started with Python and MetPy

MetPy Mondays #256 - What's the difference between dimensions and coordinates in XArray?

MetPy Mondays #290 - Calculating and Plotting Height Changes from the GFS


Advance MetPy Calculations

Development of MetPy’s Declarative Plotting Interface | SciPy 2018 | May & Leeman

MetPy Mondays #264 - Making Arrow Plots in Python the Easy Way with Declarative Plotting

MetPy Mondays #286 - Drawing Fronts and Boundaries with Path Effects

MetPy Mondays #30 - Basic Radar Plotting Part 2

MetPy Mondays #164 - MetPy 1.0 XArray Basics with the GFS

MetPy Mondays #287 - Parsing Weather Prediction Center Surface Bulletins

MetPy Mondays #289 - Drawing Fronts with your Mouse in Matplotlib!

MetPy Mondays #152 - MetPy 1.0.0RC2 How to Install and Test!

MetPy Mondays #53 - XArray Basics

MetPy Mondays #70 - Declarative Contour Plotting

MetPy Mondays #69 - Declarative Plotting

MetPy Mondays #265 - How to Calculate SWEAT Index with MetPy

MetPy Mondays #247 - Change Point Detection with Ruptures

MetPy Mondays #145 - Making GeoJSON FeatureCollections

MetPy Mondays #279 - Python Generators the Easy Way!

MetPy Mondays #267 - Putting it all together - Part 1

MetPy Mondays #172​​ - Making Combinations with Itertools

MetPy Mondays #276 - Watermark your Images in Python