
36. Logic. The Generalization Metatheorem


6.5 Auxiliary Variable Metatheorem


Teaching Functional Programmers Logic and Metatheory | Frederik Krogsdal Jacobsen | Lambda Days 2022

37. Logic. More Metatheorems

[OOPSLA23] Languages with Decidable Learning: A Meta-theorem

How to say 'metatheorem'! (High Quality Voices)

Jon Sterling, Objective metatheory of dependent type theories

3h Predicate Logic 2022

ESA.7.0 An Algorithmic Meta Theorem for Graph Modification to Planarity and FOL

Metatheory 1: Truth-functional Adequacy

2.1 Logic vs Metatheory

theorems about theorems are called metatheorems

Janos Makowsky - Extensions and limitations of the Specker-Blatter Theorem

Stephan Kreutzer: Algorithmic meta-theorems [Part 1]

2.5 More Metatheorems

Metatheory 5: More on Adequacy, New Rules, etc.

First Steps in Synthetic Tait Computability: The Objective Metatheory of Cubical Type Theory

Metatheory 3: Soundness Theorem Proof (set up and simple cases)

39. Logic. The Soundness theorem

Structural Induction/Induction on Complexity of Formulas/Induction on the Number of Connectives

03 - Williams - Metatheorems for dynamic weighted matching

Posulate vs. theorem