melissa dougherty joel osteen

A Biblical Critique of Joel Osteen's Teachings

Melissa Dougherty on Joel Osteen - Universalism, Law of Attraction: My Rebuttal

Is Joel Osteen’s Preaching Really Unbiblical? ft. @MelissaDougherty

Do These Popular Scriptures Teach Health and Wealth?

The Time a Christian Visited a Mormon Church.

Melissa Dougherty - 'There's No Prosperity In Job' #Shorts

Major Flaws with Word of Faith and Prosperity Preaching: You're Not God.

Talking About Harmful Teachings in the Christian Church| With @RuslanKD

How a Christian Can Unknowingly Have Unbiblical (or Occultic) Beliefs.

Top Five New Age Teachings in the Church

Q&A!:A Woman In Ministry?More Bethel Books?Thoughts on Calvinism?H.S Gifts? Tithing? And Much More!

Shocking Lies Believed by Many Christians

If a 1st Century Christian Had a Conversation with Your Average 2021 Christian

Joyce Meyer just did it again.... Reaction from a Christian Perspective!

Why These Christian YouTubers Left the Hyper-Charismatic Movement

When People Say They're 'A Christian' These Days

Is your church teaching New Age Ideas? With Melissa Dougherty

The Subtle Deception Of New Thought w/@MelissaDougherty

Effortlessly Maneuver The Most Challenging Conversations.

How a Christian Can Have New Age Beliefs and Not Even Know it

Some Christians on the Internet These Days.

A 'Woke Christian' Praying to a Hindu God? Ends with 'A-Women?!'

Jesus of the New Age Vs Jesus of the Bible

Some Thoughts on 'Signs' from God