
Telling Time (a.m. and p.m.)

Addition Within 10 000 - With Regrouping

Addition to 1000 (With Regrouping)

Measuring Mass with a Scale

Sharing Equally

Using a Scale - Grams

Using a Scale - Kilograms

Subtraction to 100 (With Regrouping)

Comparing Mass (Part 1)

Multiplication Equations

Matholia's Singapore Maths Tools

Area of a Triangle - 1

Introduction to Positions


Equivalent Fractions

Duration of Time in Minutes

Number Positions - 1st to 10th

Place Value to 1 000 000

Comparing and Arranging Numbers to 20

Addition to 50 (With Regrouping)

Subtraction Within 10 000 - With Regrouping

Order of Operations

Dividing by Three

Will, Won't and Might