
Trolling SIMPS With A TATSUMAKI VOICE CHANGER.. (The Strongest Battlegrounds)

I'm LEAVING The GOOBERS? (The Strongest Battlegrounds)

WHERE YOU GO I GO 😳 #roblox #thestrongestbattlegrounds #shorts

Strongest Battlegrounds, But WE FEEL PAIN IRL..


I Made SUS WEAKEST DUMMY MAD, And His MOM JOINED In The Strongest Battlegrounds

I Fought This YOUTUBER In REAL LIFE.. (The Strongest Battlegrounds)

Mangos Sister FACE REVEAL.. (The Strongest Battlegrounds)

Buying The ADMIN MOVESET 🤑 #roblox #thestrongestbattlegrounds #shorts

TATSUMAKI WONT STOP STALKING ME.. (The Strongest Battlegrounds)

Sus KJ KIDNAPPED My SISTER And GIRLFRIEND In The Strongest Battlegrounds

He Called Me POOR, So I DID THIS! 🤣

ANIME GIRLS ARE STALKING ME.. (The Strongest Battlegrounds)

We Said SWEAR WORDS In Roblox...

bro thinks he has rizz 💀 #roblox #thestrongestbattlegrounds #shorts

Playing The Strongest Battlegrounds IN REAL LIFE!

I Finally Got MY OWN DOMAIN EXPANSION In The Strongest Battlegrounds

I Beat The CRAB BOSS FIGHT In ONE SHOT.. (The Strongest Battlegrounds)

This QUIZ Gave Me FREE KJ In The Strongest Battlegrounds?!

Blox Fruits, But COLORS Choose Our Fruits

They Called Me POOR, So I Bought The KJ MOVESET In The Strongest Battlegrounds

Trolling ISHOWSPEED In The Strongest Battlegrounds


Sus WOULD YOU RATHER With MY SISTER In The Strongest Battlegrounds