
What is Longtermism? What We Owe the Future w/ Will MacAskill (Effective Altruism)

Longtermism (How bad would human extinction be?) by Émile P. Torres

Don’t Fall for the Longtermism Sales Pitch w/ Émile P. Torres

Will MacAskill on Longtermism and What We Owe the Future 9/5/22

Is Longtermism an APOCALYPTICAL CULT? Emile P. Torres on FTX, SBF, Bostrom, Singer, EA, & more

Psychology of existential risk and longtermism | Stefan Schubert | EA Global: London 2018

Christian J. Tarsney - The Epistemic Challenge to Longtermism

Elke Schwarz: The Eschatological Ambiguity of Silicon Valley Longtermism

Longtermism: the life philosophy endorsed by Elon Musk

Big needs in longtermism and how to help with them | Holden Karnofsky | EA Global: SF 22

Longtermism #ea #effectivealtruism #samharris #morality #futurism #memes #philosophy #ethics

Long-termism - Was will diese heute einflussreiche philosophische Richtung?

What If You Lived Every Human Life ?#reincarnation,#humanhistory, #impact,#longtermism, #future

Longtermism [clip] | TrueAnon

Longtermism and Economic Growth

E29: Effective Altruism and Longtermism

Hilary Greaves - The case for longtermism

What is Longtermism? Are You Morally Obligated to Future Generations?

Climate Change and Long-termism: shaping our future today

#18 - Anders Sandberg: Longtermism, Transhumanism, and Making Sense of the Existential Risk

LONGTERMISM: Why You Should Care About Future People

David Thorstad | The scope of longtermism

Longtermism and alternative proteins | Bruce Friedrich | EAG London 23

3d printing and longtermism