
Exploring FFMPEG libav video codecs with C++ and CMake on Windows

Configure Android Studio Project for Libav and x264 encoder

Why would I choose Libav over FFmpeg, or is there even a difference?

Decoding a BINK video using libavcodec (remastered)

h264 raw frame via libav

Make the brilliant ffmpeg libav video processing - Best Desktop Applications service

Multimedia with Qt (Part 5) - Integrating Multimedia Content with QtAV and libav / ffmpeg

00 libav tutorial

libav decode - DCT - Inverse DCT - libao flaw screencast

h264 raw frame via libav

h264 raw frame via libav

What is the difference beetween ffmpeg and libav, and how to chech which one is used for...

Death of Cthulhu or How I learned to love LibAV and edit videos

h264 raw frame via libav

Ubuntu: How to run ffmpeg, when libav-tools is installed but running ffmpeg says not installed?

h264 raw frame via libav

C++ : FFMPEG audio transcoding using libav* libraries

h264 raw frame via libav

Сравнение трансляции VLC с трансляцией видео с использованием только LibAV.

h264 raw frame via libav

h264 raw frame via libav

Using libav-tools and mplayer to screecast in Linux