
You're not fluent in English if you don't know this

How to Use OUGHT TO and other questions

4 Indispensable Rules For Better English Pronunciation

Advanced English: A Love Story

Why do Some Native Speakers Hate your English?

Why are there so many (nasty) English Expressions about the Dutch?

How to Fake a British Accent FAST

How AMERICANS Changed the English Language


How the Vikings Changed the English Language

QUITE: the Most difficult Word in the English Language

11 Common English Idioms that We've Been Using Since the Middle Ages

INDIAN English Explained to a LONDONER

How the DUTCH Changed the English Language

A LONDONER Explains How to Speak COCKNEY (London accent)

101 MUST-KNOW English IDIOMS in 13 Minutes

English Can Save Your Life

How to Use SUCH AS and AS SUCH (featuring FOR EXAMPLE and LIKE)

How English Became The Global Language

The KIng and I: A Short History of the British Royal Family

The Most Important English Grammar Lesson you will Ever Have (MODALITY)

You say TOMAYTO, I say TOMAHTO, but WHY?? Tomatoes, potatoes and the Great Vowel Shift

British Pronunciation: learn Informal Contractions i'da, we'da, who'da...(advanced)

THIS is the Best Book on Language Learning I've Ever Read: HERE'S WHAT IT SAYS