
Leleluga dominates chapter 1 moon

The Battle Cats - Is Legelan A Good Unit?

The Battle Dogs - All Nekolugas VS Legelan Pasalan

The Battle Cats : Papaluga/Legeluga vs Tecoluga lv50 #thebattlecats #shotrs

[The Battle Cats] Spending 40k CatFood and 30 Platinum Tickets for Legend LegeLuga & Black Zeus

I try some draws for Legeluga the Legend Rare | The Battle Cats

I got Legeluga💀

The Battle Cats - Here is LEGELUGA/ LEGELAN PASALAN!

Nekoluga family reunion (they forgot leleluga)

Poor Legeluga

Shishalan vs Legelan Pasalan - Battle Cats

why is legeluga good?

Battle Cats (Balaluga)

Babel vs LEGELUGA battle cats. #gaming #battlecats #edit #vs #fyp

Will Zombie King overcome the Awakened Legeluga? #bcu #battlecats #thebattlecats

battle cats crazed nekoluga family part 10 ( crazed legeluga)

Awakened Legeluga vs Mewtwo #bcu #battlecats #thebattlecats

Top 16 best Legend Rares cats in The Battle Cats #thebattlecats

Legeluga vs cyclone


LOVE.KING - Lele Le Ea (Audio)

The Battle Cats | Legend Rare LEGELUGA

After getting legeluga I finally got LEGELAN

Rolling LEGELUGA in Battle Cats [Legend Rare]