
Lazy eyebrow reviewer parody

Stop Motion Review 114 - Kingdom/Earthrise Optimus Prime

And The Next Review Is........

Soundwave voice comparison for The Lazy Eyebrow Reviewer

The Lazy Eyebrow Reviewer gets caught by the FBI.

UPDATED - V2 - Soundwave voice comparison for The Lazy Eyebrow Reviewer

Defense Rap (DK Rap Comparison)

Tomorrow is Stop Motion Review 082...

Quick Thanks: The Lazy Eyebrow Reviewer

Stop Motion Review 120 - Earthrise Starscream Thundercracker and Skywarp

The Defense Rap

Stop Motion Review 083 - iGear's Medical Specialist

Stop Motion Review 132 - Kingdom Rodimus Prime

Optimus Prime Mornings

Soundwave's Voice, If It Were The NHL Goal Horns

Stop Motion Review 098 - Generations Wreck-Gar

Stop Motion Review 074 Extra - Delorean Reveal Side by Side Comparison

Transformers Siege Astrotrain Review! Review 001. Based on: The Lazy Eyebrow Reviewer.

Stop Motion Review 067 - Universe Ironhide

Stop Motion Review 087 - G1 Reissue Sideswipe

Stop Motion Review 085 - Combiner Wars Ultra Magnus

No, The Van on SS86 Ironhide is not the 8th Deadly Sin: A Clarification

transforming Masterpiece Megatron faster than the lazy eyebrow reviewer (JOKE)

Transformers Toy Haul: The Lazy Eyebrow Reviewer