
Ballarò - Ancient Lyre & Guitar Duet - Francesco Riotta & Theodore Koumartzis

Ancient Lyre & Vocals - 'Télos' melody by Aphrodite Patoulidou and Theo Koumartzis - Pausis


Ancient Lyre & Fiddle — Magnus Belenus — Calvin Cairns & Theodore Koumartzis

Ancient Lyre - Whispers (2020) by Theodore Koumartzis

Ancient Lyre & Drum - OCEAN by Theo Koumartzis & Nikos Varelas

Bacchic - Ancient Lyre & Double Syrinx - Yannis Pantazis & Theodore Koumartzis

Ancient Greek Lyre - Pausis - 'Pure Harmonics' by Theodore Koumartzis

Ancient Lyre - Sufi's Dream by Thanasis Kleopas & Theodore Koumartzis

Ancient Greek Lyre - Pausis - 'Hiatus' by Theodore Koumartzis

Sirens' Home - Ancient Lyre & Vocals - Anthemousa by Tita & Theodore Koumartzis

18 - Harilaos Piperakis - Koumartzis

Ancient Lyre - 'Heart of a Sufi' by Aliki Markantonatou & Theo Koumartzis

Ancient Lyre - The Foreign Lands of Love - Thanasis Kleopas, Jordan & Theodore Koumartzis


Ancient Lyre — Pluto's Promise by Giorgio Sancristoforo & Theodore Koumartzis

Ancient Lyre - Colibri Dorado by Thanasis Kleopas and Theo Koumartzis

Wonder - Ancient Lyre Duet - Jarek Kotomski & Theodore Koumartzis

Ancient Lyre - While Rome Burns (Costas Cacoyannis & Theodore Koumartzis)

Ο Koumartzis | Dimitris Mystakidis

Kleopas and Theo Koumartzis - Colibri Dorado

Ancient Lyre & Double Bass - 'Syzygy' by Lina Palera and Jordan Koumartzis

Thanasis Kleopas - Theodoros Koumartzis : Open Sea

Was Beethoven a Lyre Player? Decipher 59 Paintings with Dr. Nikolaos Koumartzis