
The Roblox Koofy Drama Hits a New Low… (Rainway & ItsMatty EXPOSED)

My Face Reveal...

Roleplayers in Roblox Be Like...

Dear uwucutesingle...

Koofy was exposed for secretly being Kelogish... So what now? (ROBLOX DRAMA)

Koofy Vs Clownxiao #shorts

Koofy Revealed to be Exposed Roblox YouTuber Kelogish

Roblox YouTuber Koofy EXPOSED… (Kelogish Vs. Kaka v420 Drama)

The Roblox Koofy Drama Just Got Worst

Koofy Just RESPONDED...

Koofy Isn’t Actually Kelogish? (ACTUAL Proof)

If I Was In A Cringy Roblox Story... (Part 2)

The End of Koofy... - ADHD version

KreekCraft Speaks Out on the Koofy Situation...

Would I Let Roblox Players Adopt Me?

When Roblox Players Lie About Their Age...

Roblox YouTuber Koofy Exposed (THE TRUTH)

Koofy Unmasked As Kelogish | There, I Saved You A Minute

Roasting My Subscribers Roblox Profiles...

Roblox But I Guess The Word...

The Biggest Plot Twist in Roblox History… #koofy #exposed #roblox #viral #shorts #trending #edit #cc

Koofy and his fans need to be stopped

Koofy/Kelogish Responded To The Allegations..

Roasting SHOCKING Roblox Shorts...