
Tech Talks @ Kinvolk: Ignition & config transpiler (ct) by Derek Gonyeo

Pod Security as an Afterthought - Alban Crequy, Kinvolk

OpenShift Commons Briefing: Unleash eBPF Superpowers with Kubectl Gadget - Alban Crequy (Kinvolk io)

Kinvolk website Figma 2019 09 20 21 04 44

Kinvolk Tech Talk: Infrastructure as code in action! with Thorsten Jacoby

Kinvolk Tech Talk - Pipeline Driven Development with a Closer Look at Tekton with Cari Liebenberg

Building reliability into our cloud applications - Margarita Manterola, Kinvolk

En, Testing applications with traffic control in containers / Alban Crequy (Kinvolk)

Kubernetes traffic control demo: ping test

Tech Talks @ Kinvolk: Tectonic by CoreOS w/ Max Inden

Kinvolk Tech Talk: Securing Kubernetes addon components (kube-rbac-proxy) with Frederic Branczyk

Kinvolk Tech Talks: Applied Kubernetes Security Pitfalls with Michael Schubert

Kubernetes traffic control demo: guestbook app

Tech Talks @ Kinvolk: Core Principles of the Kube API with Dr. Stefan Schimanski

Tech Talks @ Kinvolk: An Introduction to casync by Lennart Poettering

Enabling Observability with OpenTelemetry - Mauricio Vásquez Bernal, Kinvolk

Tech Talks @ Kinvolk: IPC on Linux - DBus & bus1 w/ Tom Gundersen and David Herrmann

Tech Talks @ Kinvolk: Network Policy in Kubernetes with Project Calico with Matt Dupre

OCI BoF - Alban Crequy, Kinvolk & Chris Aniszczyk, CNCF (Any Skill Level)

Kinvolk Tech Talks: Efficient service communication with gRPC with Petra Bierleutgeb

Tech Talks @ Kinvolk: Alertmanager on its way to high availability by Frederic Branczyk

Linux Tracing with BPF, BCC and More - Mauricio Vásquez Bernal & Alban Crequy, Kinvolk

Observable Applications Using OpenTelemetry - Johannes Liebermann, Kinvolk

Tech Talks @ Kinvolk: Container networking w/ Cilium and BPF with Thomas Graf (March 28, 2017)