
XAPA - ΚΕΡΑΙΕΣ (Official Music Video)

Pan Pan - Φωτιά στις κεραίες (feat. Καλλιόπη Μητροπούλου)


Ymittos Keraies Υμηττός Κεραίες

e keraies

Technique for connecting the F5 connector to the antenna cable for clear TV signal.

How to Build the Best VHF RADIO [Capable Cruising Guides]

No Signal on your Free Satellite TV Receiver? Turn LNB Power ON! #shorts

Demystifying 5G - Over the air (OTA) testing for 5G NR in far-field and near-field

Downhill mtb from Keraies to Kallirachi



semil roz keraies

Ymmitos Athens Keraies

Υmittos mountain - keraies

Kati Keraies

Ymittos Keraies by night

5G is now: Beamforming – a backbone of 5G

The Mighty Rhombic, the King of Antennas (AD #128)

Unglaublich, wie viel Technik hier drin steckt! – Mobilfunkantenne zerlegt & erklärt

#1: International Space Station Repeater (Yaesu FTM-150)

Understanding NVIS

Demystifying 5G – Creating far-field conditions at short distances for 5G over the air testing

A Ferrite-Rod for SW-Reception