
Juncker's weirdest moments

The happy slapper: Meet Jean-Claude Juncker, the man in charge of the EU

Jean-Claude Juncker almost sets Rwandan First Lady on fire

Jean-Claude Juncker: 'You don't have to be a techie to believe in technology'

Juncker - Havana

Juncker - Læg Dit Hjerte I Min Hånd (Official Music Video)

Jean-Claude Juncker to Nigel Farage: 'Why are you here?'

Juncker: Brexit is not the beginning of the end for EU

Jean-Claude Juncker gives his take on Merkel's European legacy

Juncker calls empty EU Parliament 'ridiculous'

'The European Parliament is ridiculous' says Juncker - BBC News

Jean-Claude Juncker stumbles and is helped by leaders at NATO gala

Juncker - Mintgrøn Sommerfugl (Official Video)

Ein wackeliger Juncker

EU chief Juncker calls European Parliament 'ridiculo...

Juncker: Why English is 'losing EU clout' - BBC News

Juncker - Vi Bliver Hjemme i År (Official Music Video)

Jean-Claude Juncker in an exclusive interview | POLITICO Event Highlight

Watch again: Boris Johnson and Jean-Claude Juncker deliver statement on Brexit deal

Theresa May and Jean-Claude Juncker have 'frosty exchange'

Jean-Claude Juncker meets Emmanuel Macron in Brussels

Exclusive interview with European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker

Juncker and Tsipras hold hands in Brussels

Juncker - Kommet For At Blive (Musik Video u tekster)