
SlowJet with JoeSa3rd In Tow

Chimera - Testing Larger Elevons

Feat Meet 2015 - Yuvski showing us how 'Go Lower!' is done

O-Tricopter in St. Maarten

First day with the MT1 300 Tricopter

Powered Paraglider Encounter

Evening Flight Over East Waushacum Pond with O-Tricopter

Banshee Takes on NAFPV 2015 Multirotor Track

Mellow Day with the O-Tricopter

Feat Meet 2015 - Last Spec Wing Race

Joe and Rich's attempt at formation flying

O-Tricopter 600 - Out relaxing before the 'Big Day'

NEFPV Spring FPV Meet MAY 17th 2014

Dream Machine LOS Testing - Vol 1

Palmer Track - Shooting the Gaps

Westview Farms in July with the O-Tricopter 600

BlackDog - LOS testing the Blackout Mini H

PU Adhesive Gel GoPro 1080 30pfs

FPV Delrin Tricopter Vol 1

Tonka Summit - Testing New Night Lights

Tree Slalom with the Mini H

Holiday Flight - Anaconda & Mini Talon

FPV Delrin Tricopter - First attempt at formation flying Vol 5

Dream Machine GoPro 3 1080p 30fps Jello Test Vol 2