

How to use inotifywait to watch a directory for creation of files of a specific extension?

Run a shell command when a file is added or uploaded | inotifywatch

How would I use inotifywait to execute a command if a file in a directory is created, deleted

Unix & Linux: Problem with inotify-wait as daemon

21 Monitoring Files and Folders Linux Shell Tutorial

'inotifywait' to watch several directories simultaneously

Ignore new directories when using inotifywait to watch for new files

How can I use inotifywait on Raspbian to watch a directory for file changes and upload changed...

Something similar to inotifywait, without being able to install inotifywait

Unix & Linux: Use inotifywait to move file when it loads in dropbox folder (2 Solutions!!)

Sync Data Realtime Menggunakan Inotifywait

Auto compression using inotifywait and gzip in Linux

inotifywait exclude file types

JavaScript map and how to use inotifywait for a quicker dev loop

How do I get the filename from inotifywait events? (2 Solutions!!)

Monitor Linux File System using inotify

Setting up inotify (incron) to monitor several directories using asterisk

Unix & Linux: Reliability of inotifywait loop (2 Solutions!!)

Inotifywait for large number of files in a directory (2 Solutions!!)

How can I modify this inotifywait script to upload any file from any directory?

03 08 The inotify API

Ubuntu: How do i get the change by oberving file with inotifywait?

inotifywait script causes recursive loop