
Defte Animnisomen, Idiomelon Ton Enon (Let Us Praise)

Idiomelon of the Apostichia of the Penitential Vespers on the Fifth Sunday in Lent

“Ιωσήφ ειπέ ημίν“. Idiomelon from the Royal Hours of the Nativity

Nativity Post-Gospel Idiomelon Tone 6 Paralegi and Melos

Idiomelon after Matins Gospel

Idiomelon of the apostichia of the Penitential Vespers of the Third Sunday in Lent

Be consecrated, be consecrated, O new Jerusalem - idiomelon of 13th September

Idiomelon Tis Litis

First Idiomelon of the First Hour

Praises of Holy Monday - First Idiomelon 'When the Lord....' Ερχόμενος ο Κύριος

Sticheron Idiomelon, IV mode plagal (by Germanos Bishop of the New Patras)

Aposticha Idiomelon of Orthodoxy Vespers, Plagal 4th Mode (Live)

O Patir Evdhokise, Idiomelon Ton Enon (Father Consented)

Praises Idiomelon from the Sunday of the Expulsion of Adam from Paradise, Plagal 1st Mode (Live)

How to say 'idiomelon'! (High Quality Voices)

Efreneste Dhikei, Idiomelon Ton Enon (Rejoince You Righteous Ones)

Sticheron Apostichon Idiomelon Vasile cel Mare, Glas 1 Tetrafonic din Ke

Simeron Ghenate Ek Parthenou, Idiomelon (Today Is Born of the Virgin)

Κύριε ἐκέκραξα and Sticheron Idiomelon. Mode pl. 4.

Simeron O Adis Stenon Voa, Sinefere Moi, Stixiron Idiomelon Esperinou Megalou Savvatou, Klition...

Exapostilarion: Today, You reveal Your light (Idiomelon Znamennyj Chant)

The second idiomelon sticheron of the Litany, mode II

Theotoke Parthene, Idiomelon Ton Enon (Today Christ)