
Crafting Personal Alphabets: Calder Ruhl Hansen & C.C. Elian (Session 2/4)

Proud by Design: Kyle Letendre & Eduarda Nieto

DETI Keynote—Steven Heller & Gail Anderson: “Type Speaks”

Paul Barnes: “Commercial Type Presents Commercial Classics”

DETI Keynote—Tega Brain & Golan Levin: “Code as Creative Medium”

SP22 Speaker Series: Eric Hu

UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR): A Timely Discussion

Mujeres Hispanas y Tipografía—In Conversation with Marina Garone

Dead Feminists: Historic Heroines in Living Color

HMCT Archetype Press at the 2020 Virtual Los Angeles Printers Fair

DETI: Module 2—Rudy Manning: “Expanding the Brand: Applications” (Classroom)

DETI: Module 1—“Design and Typography Archives” (Main Session)

HMCT Artists-in-Residence 2020 at Archetype Press: Alan Kitching & Kelvyn Smith

DETI: Module 1—Simon Johnston: “Teaching Typographic Identities” (Main Session)

DETI: Module 2—Tyrone Drake & Simon Johnston: “Teaching Essential Typography” (Classroom)

DETI: Module 3—Jotham Ndugga-Kabuye & Aaron Draplin: “Branding and Social Media” (Classroom)

ArtCenter Campus Tour

DETI Keynote—Kathleen & Christopher Sleboda: “Facing Pages”

Gloria Kondrup—“Fore-edge: Louise Fili & Lorraine Wild, Virtuosos of Typography and Type Design”

SPACE: On and Off the Page—Nik Hafermaas

HELLO, MY NAME IS : Cheryl Miller

DETI: Module 3—Jotham Ndugga-Kabuye & Aaron Draplin: “Branding and Social Media” (Main Session)

DETI: Module 2—Rudy Manning: “Expanding the Brand: Applications” (Main Session)

DETI: Module 4—Roy Tatum & Brad Bartlett: “The Generative Typographic Brand” (Classroom)