hadar shemesh

Practice shadowing with me!

Weddings, road trips, and summertime and thoughts about home | My Relocation Diaries

25 daily phrases to practice your connected speech

Limiting Beliefs in English and How You Can Change Them

Live: Practice Shadowing a Scene | Inside Out 2

Practice reading out loud with me! Sound more expressive in English

Answering YOUR questions! Part 1 | My Relocation Diaries

How to REALLY pronounce those words? 10 controversial pronunciations.

A conversation with my niece | My Relocation Diaries

A day in my life – productivity, managing work & balancing family | My Relocation Diaries

Reflections at the end of the school year | My Relocation Diaries

15 Minute Morning Pronunciation Practice for English Learners

OMG, what a crazy weekend... | My Relocation Diaries

The refrigerator story | My Relocation Diaries

Roller coaster of emotions🎢 and things I love about this city ❤️ | My Relocation Diaries

So…I moved to Barcelona 🤯😍

#1 STRATEGY to become FLUENT in English [and why you DON'T NEED to 'speak like a native speaker’]

The first visit back home | My Relocation Diaries

Making Friends 🫶🏽 | My Relocation Diaries

How to pronounce these English words correctly (15 CHALLENGING WORDS)

Boost your PRONUNCIATION, GRAMMAR and VOCABULARY with this 10-min daily exercise | Hadar’s #SPRINT

Strategies to Improve your Listening in English 👂 @JForrestEnglish

Do you really need feedback to improve? The answer might surprise you

Little pieces of confidence | My Relocation Diaries