
Mike Wheeler and Allison Cardona - Animal Hoarding: Animal Cruelty? Neglect? Both? or None?

Understanding Livestock Guardian Dogs in shelters, pounds and rescues - webinar

G2Z2019 Rosemarie Crawford - Building community coalitions that keep animals out of shelters.

Kaylene Doust and Brooke Rankmore - Building an Inclusive Community through Remote Indigenous

Gavin Biggs - G2Z through facility design

Allison Cardona - Cultural Responsiveness in Animal Sheltering and Animal Management

Jan McHugh-Smith - United States national database for animal welfare

G2Z2017 Brigid Wasson - Lost and never found

Keeping cats out of shelters and pounds - webinar

Mike Wheeler - People Vote and Pay Rates, Dogs and Cats Don’t

Making the most of the PetRescue adoption platform - webinar

G2Z2019 Eileen Fletcher - Comparison of owner satisfaction & post adoption between GAP & Rescue

G2Z2019 Trish McMillan - Marketing shelter pets for adoption

Tracey Henderson - Suffering in Silence: what triggers fear, anxiety, and stress in cats and how to

G2Z2019 Jessica Pocket - Investigating the impact of waivers on the length of stay of cats

Mike Wheeler - The Animal Management Puzzle

Jennifer Hunt - Keeping People and Pets Together: Preserving the Human Pet Bond

AWLQ - How we got to zero

Getting 2 Zero through Council NDN Cooperative Desexing Programs - webinar

Brooke Kennedy - Counting Cats: How to quantify free roaming cat populations

Allison Cardona - Winning the Fight to Reunite Pets and People

G2Z2019 - Gavin Biggs Shelter design for a changing paradigm

Vincent Medley - The Basics of Human Animal Support Services HASS

Fostering rescue cats as human health promotion - webinar