
The true story behind GarrettG

We tried out Squishy for NRG...

Rocket League World Champ Ranks Iconic Moments - GarrettG

AlphaKep's Reaction to GarrettG's Insane Pinch

This Save Mentally Broke GarrettG & Jstn

NRG Rocket League Pros Play with Unlimited Boost (Challenge) | musty, jstn, GarrettG, Squishy, Sizz

Pro Doubles with NRG JSTN..

GarrettG's camera is shaking after G7 Overtime Dunk!!

RIZZO reacts To GarrettG insane 146 Kph redirect Goal | Epic Reaction |

NRG Rocket League World Finals Comms LEAKED | Pro Comms | Sizz, JSTN, GarrettG, Turbo vs. Vitality

GarrettG's INSANE Famous Ceiling Shot In RLCS Finals

GarrettG hits an amazing redirect | NRG vs BDS Grand Finals | RLCS Fall Major

NRG GarrettG celebrates his Overtime Doubletap

Jstn INSANE Prejump Save, then GarrettG Does THIS

Craziest ranked game I have EVER played... | Road to Rank 1 Episode #3

Who is the best 1v1 player on NRG? (ft. JSTN, GarrettG, Squishy, Musty & Sizz)

Pushing for SUPERSONIC LEGEND in Rocket League | 2v2 with JSTN | NRG GarrettG

Grinding Rocket League Doubles

Everyone Looks Up to GarrettG

[POV] GarrettG's Best Goals From His Career

GarrettG Got Kicked From NRG?

New SUPERSONIC LEGEND Reward in Rocket League | The Most Tilting Last Second Goal... | NRG GarrettG

Zero second THREE MAN passing play?! | Road to rank 1 Episode #1

I replaced Garrettg on NRG & here's what happened... | 3’s Until I Lose Ep. 14 | Rocket League